Flute Studio
flute lessons
I gear my lessons around the artistic goals of each student, whether that be Royal Conservatory exams, music festivals, university entrance auditions, orchestral auditions, celtic and other traditional music forms, learning Baroque flute, playing for sheer enjoyment, or some blend of any of these goals - and, for everyone, experiencing the joy of making music and of expressing ourselves through it. In terms of student instruments, modern, Irish, and Baroque flutes are welcome across genres.
My spacious flute studio for in-person lessons is located in the beautiful historic George Wright House at 989 Young St., Halifax NS (Jipugtug, Mi’kma’ki). I also teach online by videoconference. I am member of the Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers’ Association and have served on its provincial council in past years. In 2023, I have the honour of being voted NSRMTA Teacher of the Year.
how to register for flute lessons
Email me with your intent to register. You will be emailed back an invoice, which you may pay online by credit card via its embedded link, or alternatively by e-transfer or cheque. Exception: If you are a new student specifically referred to me by the Maritime Conservatory, you must register through the Maritime Conservatory.
ensemble programming
I run ensemble programming in traditional and Baroque/early music through my separate business, the Halifax Institute of Traditional and Early Music. Visit our website for more information.
other services
I give workshops, school band clinics, and masterclasses, in classical flute repertoire and traditional music forms from across Europe and North America, in a wide variety of settings, including in schools and festivals.
June 2022: Congratulations to Coco Li and Shreeyaa Kumar for their award-winning performances in the Halifax Kiwanis Music Festival. Congratulations also to all of our flutists who performed this year in our three recitals, both in-person and by video. It has been a great year of getting back to normal!
May 31, 2022: I was pleased to help out the Halifax Regional Arts senior orchestra under the direction of Nathan Beeler by performing the first movement of Mozart’s Concerto in D major for flute with them in concert. They were an awesome backup band!
May 2021: Congratulations to all of our flutists who have been videorecording their performances for our many online recitals this year, and to Shreeyaa Kumar, Melody Won, and Elizabeth Noh for their fine performances in the Halifax Kiwanis Music Festival.
- Elizabeth Noh and Melody Won progressed to the provincial Nova Scotia Kiwanis Music Festival and then tied for 1st place in the Junior Woodwind category.
- Melody Won and Ewa Dunlap tied for the Woodwind category in the Early Music Society of NS Award at the Halifax Kiwanis Music Festival
- Elizabeth Noh won Honourable Mention in the Intermediate category of the Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers’ Association Scholarship Competition
- Congratulations to Coco Lee, Melody Won, and Elizabeth Noh for earning scholarships from Bravura Nova Scotia and Conservatory Nova Scotia this year.
June 2020: I am so proud of my flute students who participated in the online version of the Halifax Kiwanis Music Festival. They took a well-prepared and professional approach to the videos that they submitted, playing along with their pre-recorded piano accompaniments, and they all played so musically:
Elizabeth Noh 91% - Winner, AFM Woodwind Award
Melody Won 90% - Winner, Flute Award NSRMTA Dartmouth
Shreeyaa Kumar 89%
Melody and Elizabeth’s videos were also featured by Eastlink TV’s Highlights of the Halifax Kiwanis Festival and also by the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals.
Adult flute group at the Dalhousie Arts Centre, 2019
Woodwinds and Brass Chamber Day Feb. 23, 2019
Jazz workshop with Carlos Baez, Holly Arsenault, Lukas Pearse, and Damien Moynihan at Woodwinds and Brass Chamber Day, Feb. 23, 2019
Some of my students at Woodwinds & Brass Chamber Day, March 4, 2017
Photo: Michelle Doucette
Jan. 26, 2025
Studio recital May 2024
Woodwind Department recital, June 1, 2018
Baroque style workshop during Woodwinds & Brass Chamber Day, Feb. 2018
Woodwind Department recital, May 26, 2017
Masterclass with Paolo Bortolussi, Jan. 2018