2016 - 2014 archive - selected
Nov. 29, 2016, 7:30pm: Performed on Baroque flute with the early music ensemble Rejouissance, playing for Dalhousie University's Collegium Cantorum in their presentation of Charpentier's Messe de minuet pour Noel and Purcell's Come Ye Sons of Art at St. Andrew's United Church, Halifax:
Nov. 5, 2016, 6:30pm: Papilio played at Nova Scotia Music Week on the Celtic Showcase stage at the Nook & Cranny in Truro, NS.
Papilio making a music video with Katy Hopkins of Analog Songs, July 2016
Oct. 15, 2016 - Played with harpist Alys Howe at Halifax Nocturne: Art at Night, Calnen Photographic Studio
Oct. 8, 2016 - Papilio played at Oktoberfest in Lunenburg, NS: http://oktoberfestns.com/
Fall 2016 - Restart of my flute studio and ensembles at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts, Halifax NS; restart of Halifax Contra Dances season. All Nations Church, 2535 Robie St., Halifax NS for which Papilio often plsys.
Papilio making a music video with Katy Hopkins of Analog Songs, July 2016
July 23, 2016: Radio interview on Richard Zurawski's show The Science Files talking about the connections between music and science and also about the results of my masters' thesis research on music and environmental education/advocacy. The podcast, searchable by date and title "Science and Music", is available here: http://www.news957.com/audio/science-files/
June 24, 2016: Recipient of the Ken and Gloria Mader - Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts Association Teachers' Professional Development Fellowship towards summer studies in early music and traditional Swedish and Breton music at the Boxwood Festival and Workshop in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
June 7, 2016: Successful thesis defence, Master of Environmental Studies degree, Dalhousie University School for Resource and Environmental Studies. Research entitled Perspectives on Music, the Environment, and Sustainability Education from Recording Artists Featured on the David Suzuki Foundation Playlist for the Planet. More information upcoming on publications TBA.
June 1, 2016: Presented thesis results at the annual conference of the Canadian Geographers' Association, Halifax.
May 28, 2016: End-of-year studio recital of my flute students at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts, Halifax, NS, finishing out a successful year of performances and growth for them.
Spring 2016: Initiating and developing new early music, harpsichord, and chamber music programming at the Maritime Conservatory for Fall 2016.
Jan. 30, 2016: Organized the following workshop at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts:
Where There’s a Quill There’s a Way: An Introduction to Harpsichord Tuning and Maintenance
Presented by Henri Gauci of the Early Music Society of Nova Scotia
Fall/Winter, 2015-16: Launch of my new new regular program Traditional Music for Youth, ages 13 - 21 at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts, Halifax NS, in addition to my regular flute teaching schedule there. This program offers youth the opportunity to learn a wide variety of tunes, engage in session playing, and take favourite tunes to the stage as a trad band. Also features many guest instructors from the Halifax trad scene: http://maritimeconservatory.com/Music/Classes_Ensembles/category/traditional-music-for-youth
Fall/Winter/Spring: Papilio played for Halifax Contra Dances. For more info visit: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture/SRDFNS/ContraFest15/ContraFestHome.html and
August 25-28, 2015: Papilio recording session with John Adams at Stonehouse Sound. Such a pleasure working with John, and also our guest bassist Allie Bennett.
Recording session for second Papilio album with guest Allie Bennett, bass at Stonehouse Sound.
Papilio's debut album, "First Flight", was nominated for a 2014 Music Nova Scotia Award in the category of Traditional/Roots Recording of the Year. We also received a 2014 East Coast Music Award nomination for Traditional Instrumental Album of the Year. The East Coast Kitchen Party review of "First Flight" is here. We are pleased to now be working on our second, as-yet-unnamed album in stages.
June 27, 2015: Papilio played the Mainstage at Halifax Multicultural Festival, 7pm - 7:45. http://www.multifest.ca/
June 7, 2015, noon - 3pm: Doors Open Halifax, performing with harpist Alys Howe at the Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel, corner of Queen and South, Halifax NS. http://doorsopenhalifax.com/
The beginnings of the second Papilio album with our engineer / producer, John Adams of Stonehouse Sound.
June 6, 2015, noon - 3pm: Doors Open Halifax, performing with harpist Alys Howe at the Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel, corner of Queen and South, Halifax NS. http://doorsopenhalifax.com/
June 5, 2015: Papilio plays fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul Society, at the Gorsebrook Lounge, St. Mary's University, Halifax.
May 26, 2015: On choral concert with Enchor East, featuring "Seafarers' Requiem" by Mary Knickle: https://enchoreast.wordpress.com/
May 8, 2015: Played freelance flute and piccolo with Symphony Nova Scotia on Beer and Beethoven program. https://symphonynovascotia.ca/
April 30 - May 1, 2015: Taught 200+ flute students from concert bands from all over Canada in clinics at the Atlantic Festival of Music, Halifax. http://www.afmtfm.ca/
Mar. 21, 2015 and Jan. 24, 2015: Papilio played for Halifax Contra Dances, 8pm, All Nations Church, Halifax NS.
Nov. 7, 2014: Papilio was chosen by Music Nova Scotia jury to showcase at the Molson Canadian Nova Scotia Music Week 2014. Showcase at 8:45pm on Friday Nov. 7 at the Split Crow Pub, 515 Prince St., Truro NS.
November, 2014: Directed a 4-week pilot of a new traditional music session for youth at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts. It will be developed into a longer-term program in 2015 - stayed tuned.
Oct. 25, 2014: Taught world music workshop and directed inaugural youth session at the Re-Jigged Celtic Music Festival in Dartmouth, NS: http://www.rejiggedfestival.com/workshops/ . More info TBA.
Oct. 24, 2014: Representing music programming from the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts at the Nova Scotia Music Educator's Association conference in New Glasgow, NS.
Sept. 27, 2014: Blue Dot event, Halifax. Part of the Blue Dot tour of the David Suzuki Foundation: http://bluedot.ca/ . I attended the event as a graduate student whose research connects to the Foundation, as well as an event volunteer.