I live and work in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Jipugtug, Mi’kma’ki), Canada.
I am on LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Facebook, and Instagram.
The Halifax Institute of Traditional and Early Music, of which I am founder and director, is here.
Thank you for visiting my site.
The Maple
There is a faded black and white photograph
Of my father in rompers
Beside a young maple that his father had just planted
Over the decades the maple grew
Five thick trunks
And vast outstretched arms
Cradling bird nests and my father’s children
It became the leafy cathedral of my youth
Long hours spent aloft in favourite perches
The constant hush of the tree breathing around me
Wild strawberries, wild cranberries in the grass below
Lazy dappled afternoons
Cocooned in its hammock with a book
Or flying on its little wooden swing
That my father made for us
When my adult body no longer fit
Through the tree’s elevated passageways
I admired it still, earthbound
My father has left this world
I visited his maple
But it was gone
So I planted a tree for someone else’s child
© Jennifer Publicover, 2016